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hanging chromosome 48 |
showing off my anger? do i? finally, everything is revealed...hahahaha...Alhamdulillah..after i have shared everything with boo yesterday then everything revealed..sbnrnyer susah sgt to be a leader...i've tried to give the best for my committee..trying so hard to put them in comfort zone but they never to appreciate it..hard to communicate thru their lips ..i means in verbal..u dont have to pay if u say thanx,congrat, everything went well, so on la yg berkait...i've been thru all the questioned dr org atas...but then? org ats still satisfy with my work but my teammate? gosshh....nasib smlm da hbs express kt alee what i've been through...thanx alee, u always be on time when i really need u...he cant lend his shoulder but he try to pamper me as the best as he can...and he do...inifinity% for him...
sometime i dont understand y people always blaming something for the thing that they never done...tp extremely busy to curse other people...actually chromosome 48 ni keep stabbing their frens also...do i care? as along as i do my work n went well...Alhamdulillah...lantak korang la nk ckp ape pn...mls nk pk..sumtime aku tpikir knp org yg kurang MAJU slalu sibok dgn hal org? tak pernah terdetik dlm hati aku nk curse other people ke...slandering ke...condemn ke...stakat ni belum penah buat lg...all my word based on my fact n thru observation.....
**macam biologist kn entry aku dis time? im ex-biologist..hehehehehehe
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