lately nie, mcm benda yg bermaina kt kotak pemikiran aku nie..mcm2 bnda yg dipikirkn..masalah utama ialah untuk hari bahagia..dari segi kewangan In Sha Allah cukup jika aku buat dengan yg termampu je..nk buat yg luar kawalan gaji tu x mampu la..maklum la..byk lg benda nk dipikir...dgn master la..kete baru la..hehhehe xde la..merapu je..skrg ni aku ni tgh bkira2..aku nk satu majlis yg cukup bermakna n simple n penuh dgn kemeriahan..nk meriah tu x semestinya kena pakai byk duit..btl x? so skrg aku jdkn diri aku ni as ulat buku..byk baca buku pengantin..dan sume bingkisan dlm buku tu ckp..kalo da ready n da set kn tarikh kena siapkn persiapan 6 bulan dr sekarang..alhamdulillah..skrg tgh buat sikit2 la..
berbalik pd msalah utama aku td..punca masalah aku adalah PELAMIN..x sure samada nk sewa or make it by my own la..for me, if we renting pelamin..everything will be handle by them mslh kt ganu ni..x byk sgt kedai pengantin yg best2..cuma ada 1 kedai yg quite ok jgk la tp still in consideration la..dg nk design is so simple n alee n family pn ckp mcm x puas hati plak..entah la..tibe2 rasa nk buat sendiri...nk test creativity sendiri mcm la..kita yg nk duk atas pelamin kn..hehehe..
i come out with this reference for the pelamin
so as u can c, the pelamin was so simple n just nice..not too heavy with decoration..n guess what? this is DIY decoration..[betul ke DIY yg aku guna tu?] now im trying to make my own accessories.. mcm yg kt dlm pic nie ada crepe flower n paper deco i here my handmade deco..
so this is A4 paper which is u need to fold it then make round by stick it side by side..i just try it with this 1 thing for sure, i gonna make it on my big day soon..but to use it as deco for pelamin..not so sure coz i need to think it wisely, if not, it gonna be my "disaster" if im not creative enough..huhuhu. dont wanna ruin my day ok.. i will discuss about it with my fiancee before make decision ok...
this is crepe paper..which is in the sure this will be use soon..maybe this will be ur doorgift...hehehe bukan ape kalo kita buat awal2 tu xde la terkejar2 n kena pk bajet sgt..beli xde la tpakse nk kena kuarkn saving tuk yg ni..before im doing this crepe flower..i do some research about the cost..actually by doing this thing, its quite costly compare buying ready made stuff..for me, by giving sumthing useful or meaningful to our guest by our own will give u inds a greatly satisfaction, we will be very happy ..
as a conclusion..for my big day nanti.. saya nak semua decoration dilakukan oleh saya sendiri..hehehehe
wish me luck frenz..