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hanging chromosome 48 |
write the future? im not trying write the future but i will if there is sumthin i wish too.i just write the past eventho a moment a go. i love to write. writing will never end as long as i have an idea. so be on page ok!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
chromosome 48
Monday, December 26, 2011
Cant sleep..hehhehe successfully installed blogger android..so blh update blog ble full an idea..go back to main entry..."shifting" y aku gne «$»...ye la..tu kn symbol MONEY MONEY...lately I deeply depress bcoz of my boo..i got no attention for the past few days..yela, working so hard n his boss making his life so so so hard n unmanageable..but the thing is? i'm not trying to understand him..for every moments is his life, he never not to "ding dong" me..means always make a first step to ring...now I do understand him..btul ckp cuZzie «sue» [in relation; do undrstnd his field well,bkb sng jd ENGINEER so kne fhm tgs dye sbb keje as a PUBLIC SERVANT x same ngn engnr.so dont put a blame on him or making his life more stressful in ur relation]..tp blh x nk botakkan kpala BOS dye? Dye sptutnye off day ari nie..tp dye tpkse keje mlm n da 2 ari keje mlm..he suppose to start his duty at 8pm but he has to work at 5pm..no time to take a long long nap...what r cruelest BOSSS la????anyway boo,sorry for giving a HARD time along these week...poor me also..off to bed without ringing..end of lesson; I end up with regretting n missing u damn much...huhuhu love u boo...keje elok2....making ur appraisal to the fullest..
¤¤¤jom tido..
Thursday, December 22, 2011
mandi & kurus???
Saturday, January 1, 2011
end of 2010 (31/12/2010 on Friday)
- Jobless but home sweet home making me so manja with my ma... job hunting while waiting the permanent
kerja tetap mkn tido snrnyer
- 2nd Feb- no celebration for my birthday except a thousands of wishing n calling from him.. no present from him for the first time in 5 years relation...but i got 3 bar of cadbury end of Feb..he posted from UPM coz dye msih lg bljr...
- Job Hunting & Food Hunting..thats y my size change to L...huhuhuhu
on progress to S
- 3/3-New life begin @ Kuching Sarawak..thousand miles from family and him...
- 4/3- Officially working @ Kuching Sarawak...so happy coz finally sy dpt naik kapal terbang
sgt jakun disini! mmg pn coz x pnh naik belon lg..hehehehhe awk dh naik ke?Hidung rendah - 20/3- his birthday..sorry my dear boo coz not celebrating with U.. the distance make us berdekatan di hati
be a part...a wishing from me n no present for him alsocouple revenge ape!not my intention to do so dear..hehhehehehe next year will be yours ok!
- 30/5- 5 years anni.. we have been in relation for 5 years but we never met up @ date @ celebrate out anni from year to year coz distance always be our major problemo but next years InsyaAllah..we will met up....Amin...
- 9/10-jemput mak alee di KLIA 1st time jumpa..sharing the same room with his mak time kt hotel
alee di bilik lain ok!he sleep under his dadarm-pick - 10/10-his graduation day @ UPM..a bouquet of roses (5 only)
- 31/12- celebrating the Christmas eve @ Polands house with frens..