his latest shot
me @ gunung Santubong (20++ m to go)
sorry r coz bru nk post....
extremely busy .....always exhausted...
ak bru je blik dr Santubong resort
mggu lpas
sabtu: pnjat gunung santubong
ahad: picnic & bbq @ pntai puteri Santubong
hasilnye: ak da ingt jalan nk ke sane
ape ak nk cite ek?
since ak duk sni then blum blik smnnjung lg
so xde story mory sgt bout us la....
as usual bile ak penat then ak akn tido
again, i missed his calling tuk detik yg ke 59 nie...
tp ak da kol blik dye early monink so no hal...
Alhamdulillah ak masih lg bsame dgn alee rahman
ape yg ak harapkn..
distance is not a main obstacle btwn us
so hopefully we will able reach our desire in future
actually..honestly la yg ak sgt rindu time ak bsame dye..
up to 3 months ak disini...
no dating, no shopping ,no entertainment with him
make my life full of emptiness...
surely la couple yg bjauhan pn rase mcm ni n not even me ok
skrg ni alee tgh mncari kerja n ak doakan rezeki bpihak alee
moga becoming interview will succes
n hopefully he get that job
i always be with u boo
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