on 9 n 10th may 2009....
ermm....actually post 4 dis time bout me n him......
apew nk cite ek? ok la...bmula pd 9th may 2009.........
dye dtg jemput ak kt ukm....dlm pkul 11 am....ktorg x pegi jauh2 pn....pegi MIdvalley jew...sbb nk jimatkn mse...hehehehehehe ari tu..ktorg tgk 2 crite dlm 1 ari..wa....mmg best gilew r.....bkn apew....sbb ak nk tgk cite lain n dye nk tgk cite lain....so nk puas kn ati n penuhkn mse ktorg......tgk r 2 2 cite tu....
our posing b4 nonton
1st: xman origins : wolverine....pkul 2 pm...actually cite ni time tu da penuh diBOOK tau...sedih sgt....ak da atur mse....kalo tgk cite tu pkul 4 pm nnt xlh tgk cite lain...so ak atur ikut mse tuk solat...tu wajib tau....so kami decide tuk amek tmpt yg diBOOK tp kne tmbh rm1 per tiket...so we have too....kalo x..x dpt tgk....cite ni si Alee yg nk tgk....
2nd: star trek kul 4.50 pm....cite ak yg nk tgk....hehehehe 2 2 cite sgt2 best n sgt2 bbaloi tau....sape2 yg blum mnonton...baik mnonton...... lps tgk wayang...perut mst la lpr....da la kami x breakfast n lunch....last2 bru dpt dinner....
si Alee yg syok mkn....n ak? syok mkn smpai selendang ak pn ntah pape jew =0
lps mgrib n isyak....ktorg p mkn kt sushi king....hehehehehehehe.....
gilew sedap n x sedap...... nk thu knp?
poor si Alee sbb tsilap pilih menu....dye mkn SABA BBQ.....korg thu ape SABA BBQ? sng cite...ikan tongkol aka ikan aya...yg diCRISPYkn n diBBQkn....rsenyer sgt2 tidak sedap....yg lain2 tu adew la......
yg bestnyer ak la.....
ak mkn KODOMO BENTO....hrga bento ni same je ngn JJ yg kt Mid tu...cume mahal rm 2 jew....BENTO tu best sbb byk lauk....so lauk ak dihabiskn oleh si Alee....sea food sume dye bedal....yg tggal....kentang n sayur jew....hampeh punyer Alee....actually...ak alergik ngn sea food....huhuhuhuhu (nasib ko mmg malang Aina).....
ermmmm....10hb ak cont.ngn post bru ek....ok...b4 tu...ak nk tnjuk beg yg ak ckp kt post b4 nie psl beg yg Alee bli tu ak....teng teng teng....
opps....pic d only beg ak blum transfer r....huhuhu....so korg tgk yg ni dh la yew....pic ni diambil smsa mkn roti tuk alas perut....bkn ak jew yg mkn tau....si Alee pn mkn tau.....
actually...beg ni bkn handbeg yg ak bgth kt previous post tp nie relax beg from roxy....
pape pn...thnx to Alee sbb spend a lot 4 dis beg.....thnx Alee...

tgn sapew la nie?
actually...beg ni bkn handbeg yg ak bgth kt previous post tp nie relax beg from roxy....
pape pn...thnx to Alee sbb spend a lot 4 dis beg.....thnx Alee...

tgn sapew la nie?
alee mcm nak xnak jew mkn..
meh sinie bby yg makan..
mmg alee x mkn pn....kngah yg habis kn....huhuhuhuhu
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