cant sleep n have a content for new post..where tu start hah?..hehhe today is his special day meaning to say his birthday n reached 25..tahniah boo sbb da umo 25..hehhe. but the fact is im older than you 1 bulan lbh...gosh...wrinkle is line up to appear..<
> if afford to buy la..estee lauder pn ok la..serum dye lg mahal kot..back to boo story la aina..da la xnk tido..sebuk cite psl kedut2 plak..huhuhu measn i da tua la..suppose da kawen pne...<> wink wink..kpala tgh bintang2...
our last 24 <> |
begin to story mory usual, for the past 6 years i have someone waitong for my wishes..sape lg kn?? hah...btl la tu..dye la..sape dye tu? dye tu la...check out the picca in the previous post la..nnt nmpk muka dye yg "big nose"..hehhee org ckp "big nose: ni murah rezeki..insyaallah..sbb tu i choose him to keep in my lung<
so my jam showed 12.00am but his? not yet la coz after i wished dye ckp, got 2 minutes to go la dear..tu pn nk bkira ke boo? ape daa...lyn suda..waktu di serawak dan banting mne same..kan? kt srwk awal 30minit..kalo kt sabah 1 jam..sso aku dal leat wish 28minits..naseb baik dye x prasan...erm..mcm biasa..bile call..wish..then nyanyi birthday song...then "pillow talk" la..hhehehehe ye la..pillow talk la sbb kami ckp smbil peluk2 bantal2..hehehe sweet x? cess mgade seigh..myampah tp tu reality ok...talking2 smapi kul 1.15am means our duration called is 1hour 15 minutes tu pn after dikerah utk tido..ape la bubu da tido awl smata2 nk kol disuruhnya tido..mana mungkin ketiduran ya...<
> <>
now aku nk reveal his wishes during my birthday <<2/2/12>>
"happy birthday ***..huhu *** dh msuk 25..* pn nk jgk..* arap ni last kte celebrate birthday *** mcm ni... next year as a fiance * ok... * syg sgt2 n cinta sgt2 kt *** u so much Aina..muaxxxxx!!!!"
1.56am.2 Feb 2012
erm..aku just forward blik msg ni pd bubu tp tukar la
*** kpd * dan ayat " pn nk jgk kpd kite da 25" fair la kan...since eye petal "kelopak mata" hahhahamsih lg ringan..aku nk analisi msg nie aku buat dlm bntuk point the following below:
- we r 25 means ni tahun ke 6 we celeb/wishes eahc other since kitaorg kenal..Alhamdulillah dan bersyukur kerana diberi peluang oleh Nya
- 6 tahun celeb tapi kotorg cuma da 5 hadiah je coz 2012 nie ktorg terpkase berjarak jauh sbb keje n x dpt nk cuti, x mcm thun lps..we celeb n ada hadiah..hehehehhehe
- insyaAllah ni tahun terakhir ktorg celeb as a couple/friends..InsyaAllah,jika jodoh kami telah ditetapkan kami telah merancang untuk bertunang pada 30/5/ nextyear celeb as a fiance la..insyaAllah..doakan jodoh kami..amin
- text kissing?? anda teka la sendiri..huhuhu
4 point cukup la...byk2 bukan korang nk hafal pn..huhuhu
ada 1 lg part yg aku blum cite, disebabkan masalah komplikasi dalaman,ktorg telah disconnect for almost 4 days..guess what?
kt ofis td aku buka fb bubu <> so aku tgk page yg dye like.."merisikgallery" x sangka yg dye pn like page mcm jiwang la..for me..kalo tgk alee nie, tgk amta pn da takut...alee la yg aku pn mulakan pengskodengan la dlm page "merisisikgaleri" nie...serius cantik beb..dye punye pelamin,gubahan, banquet..sume british concept..ape lg..waktu tu hati aku da menjerit cantik2..bibir aku plak ckp cantik gilew..slow2 je nnt org dgr da kantoi kalo org dgr,,huhuhu..tgk plak blog dye..mmg awesome gile..sume simple n nice la for bli da tgk tu, rase mcm nk buat sendiri sume..isnyaAllah,aku ada bakat kreatif jugak dlm diri nie..cume da lame blum waktu tgh2 talking2 ngn bubu then dye ckp "*** cuba tgk merisikgaleri, pelamin gbahan dye sume cantik2"..waktu tu hati aku da melonjak kegumbiraan sbb dlm fikiran kau, aku pn nk ckp bnd yg sama tp dye da ckp dlu..wa..kuat gile hydrogen bond ktorg...Alhamdulillah...mcm x pcaya my bubu said choc,cake dye sume tomey2..*** nk but sendiri la *..alee ckp, btl ke? buat la...ak rse mcm bln 4 nnt nk blik n buat sume tu then bln 5 tgal pasang aku mesti ingat..kita hanya mampu merancang tapi Tuhan yang menentukan..kami hanya mampu berdoa untuk yag terbaik..amin
sampai disini sahaja warkah aku untuk hari ini..insyaAllah semoga yang dirancnag berjalan lancar,,amin
selamat hari lahir yang ke 25 Alee Rahman Mat Yasim
Semoga apa yang dihajati dimakbulkan n semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki dan kehidupan diredhai Allah