Monday, February 27, 2012


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Menunggu? Yup!!!!!!! Currently at klia waiting tuk berlepas ke kuantan...2 hours 2 go...ape nk buat dlm mse 2 jam ni? So blogging la...sambung entry lps la kn...erm mcm mne nk start ye? Owh yew..after bf kt mcD kami ke kat mid xde pape yg menarik..kami survey harga carpet n hanging flower...suprising sbb so da blh bujet...

Last station kami ke jln TAR sperti yg dijanji...meronda2 tnyr harga lace,veil, tudung...ada yg murah n mahal...sume kedai yg ada lace kami msuk kecuali gulatis n euromoda sbb kami da thu hrganye brp...ada lace yg hrg rm49/m hingga la ke rm1000/m...guess? Hrga brp yg kami nak? Mstla yg murah tp x murah sgtkn? ourlast kedai is jakel...survey punye survey...last2 staff dye bg rm90, n lace tu cantik gile...huhuhu aku x amek sbb baju tuk majlis da ada..cume nk design veil n tudung je...last2 kami ckp,xpe la..kami dtg dgn mak part yg paling best,ktorng gaduh nk mkn ktne..alee nk mkn nandos n ak plak nk mkn nasi kerabu...da la waktu jln ke jln tar hujan..alee da lapar ktorg patah blik ke sogo n mkn kt manhattan...lps tu mkn jgk nasi kerabu...nk bgthnye, si alee ni...selera mkn dye makin mnjadi2 since keje...tolong la jgn dempal boo...cukup la syg sorg yg dempol...huhuhu..jom lyn picca alee si budak gemoki...

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Our 2012 first date

Hottest news..our hitz picca...a very long walk for today...missing for almost 2months..hehehehe..our first venue: bfast @md,kl pit stop,midvalley n last destination, jln TAR...our date intention is to survey for need to do budgeting for d upcoming event....hehehehe lets walk boo

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Uke ucuk...

gasket? anyone know? drawing without knowing...seigh...

tunggang langgang

Da lame x cend uke ucuk kt bubu...windu nk cend co aku cend uke ucuk ari ni...hehehehe ucuk x uke aku? Surely you will say YES dengan loudly...huhuhuhhu.currently in autoCadclass...quite bored to learn all this line..kepala pening suda...da xlh follow...too fast for me...huhuhuhuhu im lost...

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012


my current post is architecture...guess what? bcoz i need to submit a paper work for chemical laboratory a lot of thing that i should do to design the layout..measure every inch of edge like a professional surveyor...poor me coz nedd to do all those thing but its my satisfaction..Alhamdulillah, i manage to finish it in 2 days..u have worked very hard for that,..once u submit the proposal..the last thing that u should do is PRAYER. pray that the DIRECTOR will approve your proposal...i will submit it tomorrow..

one thing to share is, about my research grantt..Alhamdulillah, my team member got a call from the JPP Putrajaya to inform our minor mistake in FRGS form..i finished editing the error and will submit it tomorrow agains, i pray that all my effort will draw a good output.. if not, then i have to try it next semester..never give up AINA..

*** nnt i post pic yg i draw yew..if i remember to upload la...hehhehea

Monday, February 6, 2012

Design pelamin

Inspired by ainalee
Ni la keje aku dr pg td smpai pelamin tuk 30/5/2012...tbe2 aku rase bdebar2...huhuhu...mggeletar nak taip post nie...cewah...hehehhe...kalo sewa design mcm ni dlm rm300 tp kalo wak sndiri..kos dlm rm200 je..x mmbazir sbb barang2 tu blh guna tuk hiasan rmh..masih fikirkan warna tema....hehehe so mcm  kill 2 birds with one stone la...hehehehe...x sbr nk tggu bln 4 to shoppa brg kt ikea....hehehhe...doakan kami yew...Ya Allah permudahkan perjalanan kami...

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Thursday, February 2, 2012



kita jamu mata dulu sblm jamu degn cite aku.hari ni genap 25 tahun
25 tahun means da genap 1/4 abad
masih muda lg kn? muda lg tu aina
first time celeb birthday di KUCHING
tahun lps even kerja dikuching tp celeb bersama yg tersayang
tp dis time celeb sendirian
ok boo da nk call so kita lyn aliran masa 25tahun ku pada 2  Februari 2012
  1. A'ah orang first wish "salam,k,ngah yg ku syg.happy birthday yg ke 25..umm..dh tua da u..Ah doakan semoga bahagia selalu dn dimurahkan rezeki" ape la yg adeq aku tu buat yg x tido lg kul 12.46am..thnx a'ah sbb b d first [time tu aku da krooh kroo]
  2. Alee plak org yg kedua wish through calling at 1.28am sbb dye da ttido waktu tggu kul 12am...xpe boo, i fhm yg u penat sbb da 4 hari off calling n wishes yg sweet n sgt lain dr msg b4 nie...yg tu rahsia ok..
  3. Abah plak yg ke 3 wish dgn msg "Happy birthday..semoga slamat sentiasa" yg ni lain, abah nak anak dye SELAMAT...msg yg ringkas tp penuh makna kn abah?..kngah sayang ABAH...
  4. Adeq bongsu dgn msg yg ringkas gile "Epy bday" sgt ringkas tp diingati...siap misscall plak tu...sptut nye dye la kne korban kredit tuk call aku tp sebaliknye..ble kol tu fhm2 la..topik kami hanya KOREAN DRAMA jew...
  5. Acik plak msg kt fb dgn buat annoucement yg beday sis dye ari ni..wish yg mcm biasa..n luar biasa ialah moga aku cepat kawen...yela sbb adeq aku tu x sbr nk kawen sbnrnya..
  6. then dapat wishes dr ridhu,along, che de n family dan t-mah kawan mse khairiah..sume wish aku cpt KAHWIN.moga doa mereka diberkati...
  7. di ofis plak, k.daisy belanje lunch
  8. hari ni ada aktiviti dgn stdnt, main sukaneka,lps main..dorg sume  nyanyi lagu happy birthday day to you, happy birthday day to you, happy birthday day to miss aina, happy birthday day to you...hadiah yg paling bermakna even x dpt bersama yg tersyg...thanx students....
  9. dinner with k.nurul at Grill mama restaurant...mkn menu diatas...teringin sbb ahad lps tgk kedai ni dlm jalan-jalan cari makan kt tv3..
  10. calling dr alee smpai la ke detik 3/2/12..
harapan 25 ni ialah register for master at UNIMAS dlu then engagement this 30/5/2012

semoga semuanya dipermudahkan ALLAH..amin
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