write the future? im not trying write the future but i will if there is sumthin i wish too.i just write the past eventho a moment a go. i love to write. writing will never end as long as i have an idea. so be on page ok!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
auuummm, harimau malaya
- mendapat ilham perancangan untuk majlis kahwin aku nnt...hehehhehe [ bila aku nk kahwin ek? bila Allah temukan kita "khalifah" yg sesuai untuk kita...aku selalu berdoa yang aku adalah pemilik "tulang rusuk kiri" kepada Alee Rahman Mat Yasim..amin.doakan utk kami ye kwn2...] berbalik kpd ilham, pg smlm aku sketch keadaan beranda kt rmh aku nnt.aku nk konsep yg mcm mne bila da smpai masanye..bkn hiasa beranda je aku lukis..tp lakaran bilik pengantin, susun atur barang hantaran, kedudukan guest book dan juga dekorasi..cuma pelamin je aku x dpt buat sbb mmg nk tempah sbb ble pk nk buat sndri mcm costing jgk la..dapat save dlm 200 ke 300 pn ok jgk..hehhehehe so mlm mmg keje aku pk kn konsep wedding aku je..lg smlm adik aku bertunang dan berlangsung dgn lancar walaupun aku jauh disarawak... sebenarnya bile aku pk blik byk jgk yg aku kne buat untuk merealisasikan konsep yg aku nak..hehehhe..sume aku nk buat sndri ..sentuhan peribadi ni lbh diingati berbanding dengan org lain yg buat...ehhehehehe sory la pnjang sgt coretan aku ni..hehhehe..main tap je..sbb nk test skill menaip aku...ade peningkatan x? hehehhe
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
apa itu Awal Muharram 1434H?
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Aidiladha ke 2 di bumi kuching
Sunday, October 7, 2012
A Preliminary Study of Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon Nardus) Potential As House Fly (Musca Domestica L.) Repellent in The Form Of Scented Gel
Monday, October 1, 2012
surely u cant collect essential oil aina..u just extract for 1.30hrs..how to get lol..y im so gedix2 to join this seminar hah? not because promotion ok but to challenge myself..as a gov servant i dont want "eat salary blilnd" la...so need to contribute sumthing that i can be proud of la..
so now, i need to extract the idea how to submit all this kind of "courage" before 5/10/12...huhuhuhu...
no extractable oil..no scented gel..no result towards housefly repellent...so by tomorrow
yes citronella essential oil..yes scented gel (using shortening instead of gelatin because dont know where to get gelatin & dont whether citronella scented gel can be produce or not..) hopefully everything make my day tomorrow..
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sum tips from majalah... |
Sunday, September 30, 2012
88 months
Monday, September 17, 2012
For the first time my fiancee attend my bro open house at selayang yester with accompany by me....such a good environment having dinner with my family..ma packed his nasi dagang for dinner... Envy mode
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
hari ke 6 as someone fiancee
Perjalanan cinta kami masih belum dikatakan sah selagi kami belum alee belum diakad oleh ayah ku...tp aku bersyukut ke hadrat Illahi kerana sewaktu majlis berjalan..majlis ama meriah dengan kedatang semua tetamu even ada yg x dpt dtg..Nasi Minyak berlaukkan ayam masak merah +gulai daging +acar nanas+kuih+buah..mencukupi dan hbs...smpai aku sendiri pn x sempat mkn nasi myk...alee pn x mkn kalo x silap aku..aku sempat mkn sikit je..tu pn ma yg suapkan time tetamu tgh mkn...sedapnye....ma nk mkn bersuap lg....huhuhuhuhu
1 hari sebelum genap tarikh perjalanan cinta kami , kami telah bertunang..skrg da msuk 6 hari aku menjadi tunang kepada Alee dan setakat ni Alhamdulillah...mungkin belum ada cabaran/dugaan utk kami hadapi..Aku doakan agar hubungan kami terus mekar tanpa layu..org ckp slps tunang byk dugaan yg perlu aku hadapi..aku slalu terfikir..dugaan yg mcm mne yg aku perlu hadapi? stakat gaduh2 tu biasa la...bohong la kalo aku x pnh bergaduhkn?hehehhe gaduh blh eratkn hubungan? btl x?
now aku cerita detik2 manis waktu majlis tu berjalan...jam tgn aku menunjukkan pukul 2.30pm n aku dikabarkan yg rombongan alee seramai 50org telah smpai..waktu tu aku duk dlm bilik sbb aku hanya blh kuar bile sesi berbincang selesai..dalam pukul 3 mcm tu,
su(mak sdare aku) pngil "kngah,kngah da blh kuar")
aku: "betul ke su?"
su:"betul la.."
aku pn keluar dgn penuh debaran...(time tu jantung aku relax je tp perut aku da sakit gile..tanda2 nervous yg melampau)..huhuhu...
waktu aku keluar je ke ruang tamu..pandangan aku kabur..ak hanya nmpk org ramai n pandangan aku x fokus..ak hnya nmpk abah je (yg berbaju pink)....aku terus ke pelamin..waktu aku duduk dipelamin..aku rase mcm nk menangis je sbb aku baru prasan yg semua org pandang ke arah aku dgn penuh senyuman..then aku nmpk kelibat ma..lega sikit waktu tu..ma plak seakan2 terkedu sbb bakal disarungkan cincin oleh mak alee...then mak alee dtg n sarungkan cincin dijari ku..slps tu, giliran abah menyarungkan cincin pd alee..time tu aku tgh abah happy sgt..Alhamdulillah..semua bjalan lancar......
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Time machine; 1/6/12
Pemanduan yg penuh serius'.....btl² fokus menuju ke lcct.boo nmpk encem¡!!!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Heading back for my e-day
Waitng for d flight to kl frm kch...hati sgt bdebar2 smpai xlh pk pape..huhuhu once I reached kl, need to heading to kt..byk bnde blum selesai...well, air asia da untung 1 tiket when im not goin to use it on 27th nite..no wonder la,airasia profit increase gradually every year...sbb ada donator mcm sy...huhuhu...
Please welcome me with a big pleasure ok!!! ¤_©
Saturday, May 19, 2012
risikan pertama ku
alee pun x bgth..mungkin sudah tahu tp xnk bgth aku....xpe la..janji dapat masuk (means ngam la..)
ceritanya bermula mcm nie..dlm pukul 5.07pm td, alee msg tnye nama ma..aku bls Seti Rokiah Isa...xthu lg knp..ble call si alee ni, dye x angkat..ape daa...tido sudah kerana byk mkn buah langsat semasa amek gubahan hantaran di rumah k.ta klang..........### sat g aku cerita ok!!!###
back to previous story, the story begin when ma told me that alee's family memasuki kampung pengkalan arang utk mencari keluarga encik zuhaidi & seti rokiah walhal rombongan dr kampung sebelah je..kampung pak katak..hehehehe..cari punye cari x jupe n kebetulan terjumpa ajis jiran aku la..actually bkn jiran sblh rumah tp..(dikatakan jiran apabila lingkungan rumah yang diduduki ialah 40 buah rmh)...so ajis ni jiran aku la..atok alee tnye, knl x encik zuhaidi then dye cakap knl..n tnjuk ke rumah nira..(nama penuh hasmanira hashim, ex-schoolmate ku n alee..btw, thanx nira for helping them..hehhehhehe)...so da tnye hasmanira, dye menunjukkan arah utk ke villa ku...menaiki myvi,.terus turun n ke rmh sue minah, mkcik alee la..tp tok dye bsembang dgn ikram..(ma x ckp plak sembang ape)..then ma kuar n tnye "maaf la x knl, ni sape?".."atok alee ke"..atok alee jwb "ye"..mak ku mula bdebar..dup dap dup dap...maka dijemput ke naik ke rmh..hehehehe..maka mereka pn bermesra-mesraan dgn lbh erat lg...Alhamdulillah, ma kate mereka baik n byk ckp (byk ckp disini bermaksud ramah dan senang dibawa berbual ok)...mereka pun berbincang tentang tarikh pertunangan kami, kami pilih 30/5/12 sebab tu tarikh kami kenal..tp disebabkan tarikh itu jatuh pada hari rabu maka ..dorg ckp tarikh tu tak elok utk buat majlis..knp x elok? entah la..sy pn x thu..tapi setelah mereka berbincang capai kata sepakat utk ubah kepada 29/5/12 jatuh pd hari selasa...kata sepakat belum lg muktamad sebab ma belum bincang dgn aku lg...
dalam pukul 8 ma call, bgth dan tnye psl tarikh, so ku setujulah..mereka da jalinkan hubungan yg aku amat risau dgn baik..Alhamdulillah n aku bersyukur kepada Mu ya Allah... maka tarikh pertunangan kami ialah
Saturday, May 5, 2012
nostalgia kami berulang
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Be his passenger
For the first time ever I be his passenger on 25th april 2012 when I reached at lcct n today he sent me to lcct after a very long vacation.since 25 till today I dont even have a moment to breath well.shopping for our e-day stuff.28 days to go...Alhamdulillah,everything went well as we planned...happy 83rd month anni boo..thanx for giving me a pleasure day yesterday...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
For the first tome in my life I bought a magazine..PENGANTIN..our e-day juat around the corner n I dont have enough time to delay the preparation..here's my research notes...can't wait to go back next week to shopping...going that eveything went well as we planned...
My boss just approved my leave but with 1 question, he ask whether i'm goin back to ganu or not..so I said YES @if not he will not approve, just kidding@ thanx bos, I will not forget your kepok lekor...boo, please be free next week ok!!!!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Anak lembu
ok ni dialog msg yg ktorg texting
alee: *** nk x laptop sony vaio..RM1700..kwn jual
aina: nk buat ape? mahalnye
alee: buat hantaran tunang la..
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anak lembu besar ni ke boo? |
alee: sbb spec dye bgs..[tu je reason dye]
aina:xpyh la..duit tuk kawen pn blum ckup lg..tunang pn mcm kurang..
alee:xpe..nnt cukup la...
alee:lg 1, boo ingt nk bli ank lembu tuk majlis kahwin..taun dpn ckup taun dpn kembu dh bsar.
alee: so dh jimat..ank lmbu br brp je
aina: hahaha...lembu tuk sape?
alee:tuk mjlis kahwin la..
aina: majlis boo or lalink?
alee:2-2 la
aina: sape nk jage?
alee: lalink r...
dan lain2 msg..
point kt sini adalah ank lembu..serius aku terkedu n gelak besar blle dye mention ank lembu..ak x pnh tpikir smpai ke tahap tu...tp alee da pk ank lembu..timbul la 1 prasaan yg ak snediri x dpt nk bygkn betapa happy nyer aku ble ak rse dye sgt serius nk mengikat hubungan kami...
then da petang sikit aku call ma tuk bgth psl ni la tp ma xlh nk ckp panjang sbb nk ke hospital sbb makcik aku sakit then ma ckp ank 2 3 perkara nk discuss..time tu ak da rase lain mcm jeew..hopefully berita baik..lps induksi la aku call ma..skrg ni xlh nk call lg sbb nk exam tuk induksi..
lg 2 hari nk exam induksi tp sempat lg aku post dlm blog..nk tunjuk yg aku ni betapa excited psl ANAK LEMBU
InsyaAllah Alee, jika Allah merestui hubungan kita. kita akan disatukan dengan hubungan yang halal.ya Allah panjang kan lah hubungan kami dn kami doakan majlis pertunangan yang kami rancang akan berjalan dengan lancar dengan keredhaan dari Mu YaAllah...Amin...
Jom study tuk Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Amwam, Perintah Am,Perbendaharaan, Dasar pengurusan pejabat dan yg sewaktu dengannya sampai muntah ...
Friday, March 30, 2012
Happy 82 months anni boo...Alhamdulillah.hubungan kami masih direstui
Debaran bertunang mula dirasai...
.doakan hubungan diikat dengan hubungan yang halal...Ya Allah Kau restuilah hubungan kami dan berpanjangan hingga ke akhir hayat...amin
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
both of us are 25
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our last 24 < |
so my jam showed 12.00am but his? not yet la coz after i wished dye ckp, got 2 minutes to go la dear..tu pn nk bkira ke boo? ape daa...lyn suda..waktu di serawak dan banting mne same..kan? kt srwk awal 30minit..kalo kt sabah 1 jam..sso aku dal leat wish 28minits..naseb baik dye x prasan...erm..mcm biasa..bile call..wish..then nyanyi birthday song...then "pillow talk" la..hhehehehe ye la..pillow talk la sbb kami ckp smbil peluk2 bantal2..hehehe sweet x? cess mgade seigh..myampah tp tu reality ok...talking2 smapi kul 1.15am means our duration called is 1hour 15 minutes tu pn after dikerah utk tido..ape la bubu nie..org da tido awl smata2 nk kol disuruhnya tido..mana mungkin ketiduran ya...<
now aku nk reveal his wishes during my birthday <<2/2/12>>
"happy birthday ***..huhu *** dh msuk 25..* pn nk jgk..* arap ni last kte celebrate birthday *** mcm ni... next year as a fiance * ok... * syg sgt2 n cinta sgt2 kt ***..love u so much Aina..muaxxxxx!!!!"
- we r 25 means ni tahun ke 6 we celeb/wishes eahc other since kitaorg kenal..Alhamdulillah dan bersyukur kerana diberi peluang oleh Nya
- 6 tahun celeb tapi kotorg cuma da 5 hadiah je coz 2012 nie ktorg terpkase berjarak jauh sbb keje n x dpt nk cuti, x mcm thun lps..we celeb n ada hadiah..hehehehhehe
- insyaAllah ni tahun terakhir ktorg celeb as a couple/friends..InsyaAllah,jika jodoh kami telah ditetapkan kami telah merancang untuk bertunang pada 30/5/2012..so nextyear celeb as a fiance la..insyaAllah..doakan jodoh kami..amin
- text kissing?? anda teka la sendiri..huhuhu
Sunday, March 18, 2012
how to deliver"express" in a good way?
guess what? sbb rindu dye sgt..tgk muka shah rukh khan mcm muka dye..adoi.. enough la aina..he's more good looking rather than shah rukh khan la eventho hidung dye x tinggi mcm shah rukh khan..hehhehehhe..
hari ini cuaca is good enough for me to outing..cari2 barang family nk dtg..thingking of lunch too...nothing to demand..mcD is enough for me..not forget apple pie too..love the cinnamon souce..mix well with the apple..hope to make it one ,once i got married..he will be the first i guess...hehhehe.
lets bersiap2 to see whats gonna be happen in brighter day...thinking of buying paper/card/ flower paper/ box paper
LoooooVeeeee u boooOOOooooOOOoooOooo...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
guess what
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Knp dye mcm ni?
Today he text 'i miss you'.feel blessed n refreshing. yesterday he sleep for the whole day before calling me at 5pm.
But today-since now he didn't call me. Why? he is very passionate with his job. So by 9pm he will call me for sure..when he call me, 1st question is u mkn ape ari ni? Then his respond is sedapnye. 2nd Q, u buat ape ari ni? His answered for the Q is, knp kne buat? Or rajinnye lalink...before he proceed to the next Q, he definitely say I miss u..again...
Jump to the conclusion, I do miss you boo
Sunday, March 4, 2012
2 tahun suda kamek di siar
Actually smlm tarikh 2nd anni di serawak tp ari ni officially berkhidmat di siar...skrg ak kt klia smbil update blog nie...dgn sedih alee anta aku smpai departured hall...huhuhuhu..lg 2bln jupe ngn booboo lg...jom terbang...MH2534 da panggil..
Monday, February 27, 2012
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Menunggu? Yup!!!!!!! Currently at klia waiting tuk berlepas ke kuantan...2 hours 2 go...ape nk buat dlm mse 2 jam ni? So blogging la...sambung entry lps la kn...erm mcm mne nk start ye? Owh yew..after bf kt mcD kami ke mid...so kat mid xde pape yg menarik..kami survey harga carpet n hanging flower...suprising sbb so mahal...tp da blh bujet...
Last station kami ke jln TAR sperti yg dijanji...meronda2 tnyr harga lace,veil, tudung...ada yg murah n mahal...sume kedai yg ada lace kami msuk kecuali gulatis n euromoda sbb kami da thu hrganye brp...ada lace yg hrg rm49/m hingga la ke rm1000/m...guess? Hrga brp yg kami nak? Mstla yg murah tp x murah sgtkn? Hehehehehe...so ourlast kedai is jakel...survey punye survey...last2 staff dye bg rm90, n lace tu cantik gile...huhuhu aku x amek sbb baju tuk majlis da ada..cume nk design veil n tudung je...last2 kami ckp,xpe la..kami dtg dgn mak nnt..hehehehe...tp part yg paling best,ktorng gaduh nk mkn ktne..alee nk mkn nandos n ak plak nk mkn nasi kerabu...da la waktu jln ke jln tar hujan..alee da lapar gile...so ktorg patah blik ke sogo n mkn kt manhattan...lps tu mkn jgk nasi kerabu...nk bgthnye, si alee ni...selera mkn dye makin mnjadi2 since keje...tolong la jgn dempal boo...cukup la syg sorg yg dempol...huhuhu..jom lyn picca alee si budak gemoki...
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Our 2012 first date
Hottest news..our hitz picca...a very long walk for today...missing for almost 2months..hehehehe..our first venue: bfast @md,kl cntral...next pit stop,midvalley n last destination, jln TAR...our date intention is to survey for e-stuffs...so need to do budgeting for d upcoming event....hehehehe lets walk boo
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Uke ucuk...
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gasket? anyone know? drawing without knowing...seigh... |
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tunggang langgang |
Da lame x cend uke ucuk kt bubu...windu nk cend co aku cend uke ucuk ari ni...hehehehe ucuk x uke aku? Surely you will say YES dengan loudly...huhuhuhhu.currently in autoCadclass...quite bored to learn all this line..kepala pening suda...da xlh follow...too fast for me...huhuhuhuhu im lost...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
one thing to share is, about my research grantt..Alhamdulillah, my team member got a call from the JPP Putrajaya to inform our minor mistake in FRGS form..i finished editing the error and will submit it tomorrow too..so agains, i pray that all my effort will draw a good output.. if not, then i have to try it next semester..never give up AINA..
*** nnt i post pic yg i draw yew..if i remember to upload la...hehhehea
Monday, February 6, 2012
Design pelamin
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Inspired by ainalee |
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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Monday, January 30, 2012
A thousand years
Thanx boo for the comforting msg...all the messy thought has gone..a thousand years? Yes..a song from christina perri..what a shining day for me as he lay his melody with his voice...i do appreciate it for making me happy boo...u lighter my day..the critical moment that I have to face now? Its gone.....releasing the negetive charge from my body...now my mass full of neutral charges...i love u boo..
Thursday, January 26, 2012
None in my mind
About him. I never thought that he will create profile pic for his mobile is something like this. No doubt anymore.he is mine..lately he being so weird toward me by doing sumthng childish n can't imagine his action.but Alhamdulillah, with his personality, he manage to make me filing his heart with pure love....InsyaAllah he is my love here after.b I do love u...with blessing from Allah, our parents, siblings relatives friends....
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Menu? Agak2 ape yg aku nk share kali ni? Hehehee...since ari sabtu till now...aki da masak 4 menu buat pertama kalinya...feel like im ready to be a WIFE...hehhe boleh x? Erm..jom lyn pic menu...so excited n rase diri sgt rajin...
Sabtu:kari udang + sayur campur + telur dadar
Ahad: kari ayam + sayur campur
Isnin:bubur ayam
selasa: nasi lemak + sambal udang + ayam goreng berempah....
4 hari ni bdn aku da naik gile....
Ma kngah da pndai masak.....
Monday, January 16, 2012
writing before literature review jap
Dengan ayat yang penuh keskemaiannya...huhuhuhuh....hehehhehehe...hahhhahaha...otak tgh ding dong sikit...nk buat literature review tp tgh xde mood lg nie tp at least aku da post asgnmnt for student in CIDOS..rajin x? Ok aina, awk sgt rajin,,, saya bangga dengan awk..boleh x di mid jan 2012 nie..aku nk tkr nama? nk peoples pgil aku FATHIAH? FATHIAH means KECEMERLANGAN...so bile duk sllau pgil FATHIAH..peoples mendoakan aku...mcm nejad nk tkr nama jew...so PEOPLES please called me FATHIAH instead of AINA sbb mata ku da cantek..hehhehehehehe...ok da ade moood nk bace journal....doakan FATHIAH FATHIAH yew.....amin...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Tibe2 aku rase byk dugaan yg datang bertimpa..btl ke? Mcm aku sndri je yg cari pasal..ntah la labu...kalo nk pk lme2...tkut labu2 jd labi2 plak..bior ajer la...Allah sangat Cintakan ummat nya..dengan itu,dugaan diturunkan utk menduga ku..Alhamdulillah..dengan dugaan inilah semngatku semakin membara..Aku berSyukur dan redha dengan Dugaan Mu Ya ALLAH...semoga semngatku terus membara...Amin
Monday, January 2, 2012
research proposal
im thinking of something that never been done or still in research. currently im one of the Petchem staff which is it is not in my real field/expert in process engineering/petrochemical but im VERY EXPERT in OLEOCHEMISTRY..
regarding to my proposal, im planning to do "purification of lubricant (motor oil ) waste for reuse application. i've never heard about the re-using the lubricant waste. people keep using the new lubricant. from the sustainable perspective, we going to lost the mineral base/ petroleum base. so if we trying to purify /reuse it.maybe it will useful for all consumer. but the quality of the lubricant is not the same as a new one but we can create the new additive to make the efficiency of the lubricant to optimum performance kan? im very confident about this because, if i not mistaken, the lecturer from INSTEC said that the component of fuel is the same but whats make it different is the additive. for example la, to make sushi we just need an sushi rice, seaweed and vinegar but to make more tasty, we use a different flavor and color kan...so same la mcm minyak kete...
so i need someone who expert is this field or have a knowledge about lubricant to carry out my research.actually, i cannot say y research because i still dont know the truth but still i give a try about this..depending from the article,knowledge, company and research institute and if that RESEARCH have been done..
**pape news i update yew....bye n good nite
i wish u guys can achieve your mission and vision in 2012..keep moving forward..let 2011 be your memorable history in your life and make it as ur references in u life...
do remember my word: